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At Lake Catholic High School, students are asked to participate in a structured dress and personal appearance code. This code is designed to promote school identity and to respect the individual dignity and uniqueness of each person. The dress and personal appearance code stress uniformity and personal modesty in school attire appropriate to learning.

When a student enrolls at Lake Catholic High School, there is an awareness and understanding that individual dress has specific restrictions, and that violation or misinterpretation of the uniform will result in disciplinary action, which may include referrals or exclusion from classes. The uniform is officially enforced during school hours while a student is in the building. Parents and the Lake Catholic Community are in partnership in enforcing the “Code for the Personal Appearance of Students.” Parents have a responsibility to check their child’s appearance before they leave home.

At all school functions on and off campus, students are representing Lake Catholic High School. 

The following regulations on dress and personal appearance are created to help motivate a student to develop habits of neatness, order, cleanliness, and appropriate dress for a variety of occasions. Deviation in dress, hairstyle, or appearance violates this personal appearance and dress code. Students must be in compliance with the dress code at all times.

Students are permitted to wear mass dress code any day of the year.


*APPROPRIATE CLOTHING: (These standards apply to normal school day dress-up or dress-down days.) Students are not permitted to wear any clothing containing advertisements or references to any tobacco, drug, or alcohol product. No clothing article may contain any symbol, word, or phrase conveying a message or theme inconsistent with Lake Catholic High School community’s perception of the Gospel and traditions of the Catholic Church.

Students found out of dress code will receive a demerit. School-wide dress code checks will take place throughout the school year.

Please note: This is the 2024-25 amended dress code policy. This policy is subject to change. 


Khaki-colored (tan) dress pants are to be worn. A belt is required when pants are worn. Pants must be worn at the waist and are not permitted to be undersized or oversized. Pants with emblems, patch pockets, back pocket rivets, rips and tears, or designs of any kind are not permitted. Corduroy, cargo, joggers, and jean-style pants are prohibited.  

Lake Catholic approved Glen plaid skirt (no shorter than 3 inches above the knee) purchased through Schoolbelles. Undersized, oversized, or rolled skirts are not permitted. Skirts are a privilege, not a right; repeated violations will result in the removal of skirts from daily dress code. 

Long or short sleeved polos of either green, gray or white, with the Lake Catholic logo are permitted. 

Polo shirts must be purchased through the Lake Catholic Spirit Store. 

Shirts must remain fully tucked in. 

Undersized and oversized polos are prohibited. Polo shirts must be kept in good condition and cannot have any rips or tears. 

A POLO IS REQUIRED at all times. 

Green or gray school approved uniform sweatshirts may be worn with long or short sleeve polo shirt. All crew necks and quarter-zips must be purchased in the Lake Catholic Spirit Store.  

Green or gray school-approved sweaters may be worn. Sweaters must be purchased in the Lake Catholic Spirit Store. A Lake Catholic white, green, or gray polo must be worn under the sweater. 

Students are permitted to wear their choice of appropriate footwear in suitable, clean conditions. 

Flip-flops, crocs, slippers, and other loud or outrageous shoes are not allowed. 

Open-toed or open-back shoes are not permitted. 

Solid-colored socks must be worn in a suitable color, limited to green, gray, black, or white. 

School administration has the authority to determine what constitutes loud or outrageous footwear.  

All legwear must be full length, solid gray or black. 

Solid-colored gray, white, or black socks must be worn at all times. 

Tights and leggings must be a uniform color and design throughout and must be solid, free of holes or sheer material.  

Jewelry and makeup must be appropriate for a school environment. 

Earrings may only be worn in the ear, no more than three earrings per ear. 

Nose piercing is permitted with clear stud only.  

Not permitted: Excessive bracelets and necklaces, fad haircuts, and colors (blue, purple, pink, green, orange, red, etc.).

Tattoos may not be visible at any time. 

No septum piercing (bullhorn). 


Solid khaki colored (tan) dress pants are to be worn. A belt is required to be worn appropriately. Pants must be worn at the waist and are not permitted to be undersized or oversized. Pants with emblems, patch pockets, back pocket rivets, designs of any kind are not permitted. Corduroy, cargo, jogger and jean style pants are prohibited.

Long- or short-sleeved polos of either green, gray or white color, with the Lake Catholic logo are permitted. 

Polo shirts must be purchased through the Lake Catholic Spirit Store. 

Shirts must always be tucked in. Undersized and oversized polos are prohibited. Polo shirts must be kept in good condition and cannot have any rips or tears. 

POLO REQUIRED at all times. 

Ties will be worn with mass attire (neck tie or bow tie).

Green or gray school-approved uniform sweatshirts may be worn with long or short sleeve polo shirt. All crew necks and quarter-zips must be purchased in the Lake Catholic Spirit Store.

Green or gray school-approved sweaters may be worn. Sweaters must be purchased in the Lake Catholic Spirit Store. A Lake Catholic white, green, or gray polo must be worn under the sweater

Students are permitted to wear their choice of appropriate footwear in suitable, clean conditions. Flip-flops, crocs, shoes with wheels/lights, and other loud or outrageous shoes are not allowed. Open-toed shoes are not permitted. Solid-colored socks must be worn in a suitable color, limited to green, gray, black, or white. School administration has the authority to determine what constitutes loud or outrageous footwear.

Facial hair must be well-kept and maintained at all times. Hair is not to extend below the top of the collar and may not cover the eyes or ears. 

Visible ear piercings are allowed, in stud form only, 1 per ear.

Not permitted: fad haircuts, unnatural colors (blue, purple, pink, green, orange, red, etc) ponytails, mohawks, faux-hawks, excessive carvings or parts. 

Sideburns are not to extend below the earlobe. 

Ear gauging is not permitted. 

Tattoos may not be visible at any time.


SKIRTS - Lake Catholic approved Glen plaid skirt (no shorter than 3 inches above the knee) purchased through Schoolbelles. Undersized and oversized skirts are not permitted.
SHIRTS - Short- or long-sleeve white Oxford style button down dress shirt/blouse. Shirts/blouses must be tucked in and are not to have more than two buttons unbuttoned. Undersized and oversized dress shirts/blouses are prohibited. Plain white t-shirts may be worn under the uniform shirts. However, the sleeve length of the undershirt must match the sleeve length of the uniform shirt.
SHOES/SOCKS - Suitable leather or suede dress shoes are permitted. Shoes must be brown, black, gray or white. High heels, platform shoes, moccasins, sandals, slippers, athletic shoes and boots of any kind are not permitted. Dress shoes are to be clean and polished. Green, gray, black, or white opaque plain tights must be worn with the skirt.

PANTS - Khaki colored (tan) dress pants are to be worn. Belt is to be worn with the pants. Pants must be worn at the waist and are not permitted to be undersized or oversized. Pants with emblems, patch pockets, back pocket rivets, designs or loops of any kind are not permitted. Corduroy, cargo, jogger and jean style pants are prohibited.
SHIRTS - Long- or short-sleeve white Oxford-style button-down dress shirt. Shirts must be tucked in and fully buttoned during the school day. Undersized and oversized dress shirts are prohibited. Plain white undershirts may be worn under the uniform shirts. Undershirt should not be seen beyond dress shirt sleeve length.
TIES - Neck ties or bow ties are to be worn properly with a white Oxford dress shirt. 
SHOES/SOCKS - Suitable leather or suede dress shoes are permitted. Shoes must be brown, black, gray, or white. Construction shoes, moccasins, sandals, slippers, athletic shoes, and boots of any kind are not permitted. Dress shoes are to be clean and/or polished and must be worn with plain socks (at least 2 in above the ankle).  


Approved Lake Catholic spirit wear purchased in the Lake Catholic Spirit Store. Lake Catholic approved team or club shirts are acceptable. A Lake Catholic shirt/sweatshirt/sweater must be worn on Spirit dress down days. No bare midriff/short skirts that show the waist are permitted.

Jeans, sweatpants, wind pants, capri pants (below the knee), khakis, corduroys, and cargos without holes and in good condition are acceptable. No shorts, leggings, yoga pants, or other spandex are permitted. All pants must be suitable for the school environment.

Casual shoes, gym shoes, or sandals in good condition are acceptable.

If you are not in spirit dress down attire, you must go to the Spirit Store, at your cost, to purchase appropriate attire.


The Lake Catholic uniform must always be worn in a manner that is appropriate for a school environment. All parts of the uniform need to be in good condition. All frayed cuffs, split seems, writing, markings and holes in the uniform are unacceptable.

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